You don't have to gain weight as you age. That's the simple yet revolutionary promise of The Whole Body Reset by Stephen Perrine, which uncovers why standard diet and exercise advice stops working for us as we approach midlife—
and reveals how simple changes to the way we eat can halt, and even reverse, age-related weight gain and muscle loss.The Whole Body Reset presents stunning new evidence about the power of “protein timing” for people at midlife—research that blows away current government guidelines, refutes the myth of slowing metabolisms and “inevitable” weight gain, and changes the way people in their mid -forties and older should think about food. The Whole Body Reset explains in simple, inspiring terms exactly how our bodies change with age, and how eating to accommodate those changes can make us respond to exercise as if we were twenty to thirty years younger.
Developed by AARP, tested by a panel of more than 100 AARP employees, and approved by an international board of doctors, nutritionists, and fitness experts, The Whole Body Reset doesn't use diet phases, eating windows, calorie restriction, or other trendy gimmicks. Its six simple secrets and scores of recipes are easy to follow, designed for real people living in the real world. A dining guide even shows how to follow this program in popular restaurants from McDonald’s to Starbucks to Olive Garden. And best of all: It works!
Review: The Whole Body Reset
After 40 your body starts to change and by 50 you may feel you are pretty set in your ways. Finally there is a book that gives hope to anyone who does not want to gain weight as they age and don't want to lose strength and muscle mass.
So what does this program promise?
- Greater Bone Health
- Healthy Blood Pressure
- Stabilized Blood Sugar
- More Mobility with Weight Loss
- A Reversal in Weight Gain
- More Muscle and Strength
The most important part of the book seems to be the sections advising
you on what foods to include in your diet. Most are foods you can find
at your local grocery store.
Some useful, sound nutritional advice that you can act on immediately, without a lot of prep or outlay on expensive extras. Good examples on how to stick to guidelines while eating out. No fat-shaming. Explodes some lingering diet myths like the low-fat craze. Some of the exercises are good and well-described.
There are other chapters that discuss microbiome health, inflammation, and your immune system and brain health. Chapter 8 contains some shopping list suggestions, and Chapter 9 lists suggestions for what to eat at popular restaurants. Chapter 12 gives a fitness plan and exercise suggestions, and Chapter 13 answers some frequently asked questions. Chapter 14 is the recipe list, with dozens and dozens of simple healthy recipes for each meal.