Book Review: The 14 Day New Keto Cleanse

The 14 Day New Keto Cleanse combines the health benefits of green smoothies with the fat-burning benefits of keto for maximum weight loss.

The green smoothies that JJ is famous for get a low-sugar revamp, with new recipes featuring 15g or fewer net carbs and tasty ingredients such as chocolate, berries, avocado, and much more.  

Nearly a million people are living their best and healthiest lives with the help of JJ’s cleanses that have proven results. This book contains everything you need to change your life in fourteen days, with comprehensive shopping lists, daily meal and movement guides, and plenty of opportunities to customize the plan. 

Featuring thirty-five easy recipes ranging from Turkey Pumpkin Chili to Pepperoni Parmesan Crisps, you can feel full and satisfied each day! Each recipe is low-sugar, low-carb, and packed with nutrient-rich ingredients that taste great. In just fourteen days, you can kickstart your body into a healthy state of fat-burning ketosis, experience quick weight loss, and lay the foundation for a longer, healthier life.

Review The 14 Day New Keto Cleanse

In the Introduction Smith explains some of the goals of the book. She notes that chronic inflammation is a big problem in the modern world, especially if you are trying to lose weight. Smith's approach with this book is to combine the health (pandu sehat) benefits of ketosis with the nutritional benefits of her famous green smoothies, with the result being increased fat loss.

In the first few chapters Smith covers some basic information to get started. She gives an overview of ketosis and why people have problems staying in ketosis. She outlines her “Four Pillars” : Keto smoothies, Fat-Burning Meals, Intermittent Fasting, and Tabata exercise.

Chapter 4 lists the meal plans for Week 1 and Week 2; including breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Chapter 5 lists the smoothies recipes, with eleven recipes in total. Chapter 6 includes the “Low-carb Fat-burning recipes”, with 19 total meal recipes, and ten snack recipes. Each recipe also includes the number of servings, and a picture of the finished product. The last few chapters contain some extra tips to maximize weight loss, answers to frequently asked questions, and testimonials.

Overall, this book is a decent starting point for people that want to ease into the keto diet, but it is also fairly basic and a little light on the science.Keep in mind that this is somewhat of an introduction to ketosis, and not sure if this amount of carbs is going to be low enough for everyone to stay in ketosis long term; but if you love smoothies and are just starting out, this might help you on your weight loss journey.